Welcome to Energy Wednesday!

Today we are featuring Kelcie Hall!



Kelcie’s birthday is next Tuesday, March 18th! She is originally from Warrenton, Virginia. This is her freshman year at UNCW. Her major is Biology and along with Dance Co., she is also part of the SCUBA Club.

Kelcie didn’t start out as a dancer! She was a gymnast until her senior year of high school which involved dance practice as part training. One of her most embarrassing gymnastics moments occurred at one of her meets! “I stood on the floor in my starting pose and my music never started so I had to run off to get my backup CD.”

This is Kelcie’s first year with Dance Co.!

What is her favorite thing about Dance Co. so far? “I love learning different types of dances because it is new and exciting to me.”

A fun fact: Kelcie’s sister is a dancer and she is the one who inspired  her to try dance this year!


Hope everyone is enjoying their Spring Break so far!

Today we are featuring Energy Member, Cecelia Courville!


Cecelia’s birthday is April 24th! She is from Walnut Cove, North Carolina. This is her senior year here at UNCW and she is majoring in Psychology. Along with being in Dance Co., she is also part of Psi Chi, Sigma Alpha Lamba, and Phi Kappa Phi.

Cecelia started dancing when she was kid, most of her experience coming from when she was in high school. One funny fact about her dance career is how she really got into it! “It was kind of an accident that I started to really become interested in dance again when I was in high school. I went to help with my groups practice, was volunteered to stand in and mark for a missing person just for the one practice, and then ended up being asked to fill in- with the performance being the next day. ”

This is Cecelia’s first year with Dance Co.! “Unfortunately school and work schedules in the past haven’t allowed for time to do Dance Co. before now. ” – Better late than never!!

What is her favorite thing about Dance Co.? “I love how friendly and welcoming everyone is, as well as how genuinely they love dancing and being together.”


Welcome to Wednesday!

Today we are featuring Energy Member, Maddi Abrams!


Maddi’s Birthday is June 17th! She is originally from Manhattan, New York. She is in her Junior year at UNCW and majoring in Education of Young Children. Along with being part of Dance Co., she is also part of the UNCW Teaching Fellows, Watson Student Leaders, and Kappa Delta Pi Society in Education.

Maddi started dancing when she was five years old because her mom was a dancer and she wanted to be just like her mother. She was extremely committed to ballet and jazz until she was 13 then she moved from New York to St. Louis and no longer had a studio. Between trying to get settled and then moving again to North Carolina, Maddi simply fell out of touch with dancing. She started back towards the end of my high school career and now here she is again. “I just can’t stay away from dance for too long!”

A funny story from Maddi’s dance career: “My little sister and I were enrolled in different dance classes at the same studio and had a recital. My costume was neon green and had feathers all over it. My sister’s costume was bright red with sequins all over it. We thought we looked so cool and were very proud of our costumes. My mother, on the other hand, was not thrilled with the red and green mess we left all over the house.

This is Maddi’s first year with Dance Co.! “I was going to try out last year, but I was too nervous. My friend, Melinda finally convinced me to do it this year and I am so happy I did!”

What is her favorite thing about Dance Co. so far? “I love meeting new people who are all from different backgrounds and majors coming together for one common love. We all get to do something we are passionate about in a fun and cooperative way. Nicole is also a wonderful choreographer, I have learned so much from her.

Fun facts about Maddi:

  • She is a certified scuba diver.
  • She has swam with sharks and dolphins.
  • Her second love after education is Spanish.
  • This past summer, she visited schools and taught in Costa Rica.
  • When she graduates, she wants to be a preschool teacher.

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Hope everyone enjoyed their day off, aside from the delay of no electricity…

Tonight we are featuring Energy Member, Jamie Garrido!


Jamie’s birthday is June 21. She is from Winston-Salem, North Carolina. This is her freshman year here at UNCW and she is majoring in Biology. Along with being part of Dance Co., she also part of the Pre-Veterinary Medical Association.

Jamie has been dancing for five years when she took my high school’s dance class for PE credit. After her first few weeks she fell in love with it and took it until she graduated. She also learned about dance from her two years in color guard and rifle line with her school’s marching band which let her learn how to handle herself in a group with giant flags and project to an audience.

One funny/embarrassing moment from her dance career: “During my first musical (Beauty and the Beast) freshman year I was a feature dancer in a few scenes so I had a lot of costume changes. For the Gaston bar scene I had to find a last minute costume since the other one I had was ruined during a steaming accident with a new member of tech crew; I ended up finding a nightgown and skirt that was a black fabric held together by one safety pin. During the dance I had to jump and sit on the stage edge and when I went to stand up for the partner lift the safety pin tore the fabric and my skirt dropped to the floor. I pulled it up as quickly as I could but couldn’t stop laughing when my friend Lane was spinning me on his shoulder trying to help me with my skirt and we heard an old woman say “Oh my, I didn’t expect that kind of show”. I did the rest of my dance with one hand since the other held my skirt up and none of us could stop laughing for the rest of the bar scene, but it wasn’t bad since I was wearing a floor length night gown under the skirt but I got best costume slip award at our theater departments “Groscars” awards that year.”

This is Jamie’s first year with Dance Co.!

Her favorite thing about being part of the company is dancing in a group again!

Fun facts about Jamie: : “I love working with animals, I used to work at a therapeutic riding center as grounds and stable manager, I am a vegetarian of nineteen years, I used to do soccer, swimming, horseback riding, and archery, I love being outdoors and listening to any music, I am a bibliophile (book lover), and I love being able to dance and perform.”



Finals are almost over!!

Today’s featured Energy Member is Alex Sayles!


Alex’s birthday was yesterday! She is from Rives Junction, Michigan. She is graduating next December! Her major is Studio Art. She is also part of the Photography Club on campus.

Alex has been dancing for over 10 years now. She started when she was able to walk and continued throughout the years, then ventured to competitive gymnastics when she was in high school.

“The most embarrassing costume I had I had to be “Little Bo Peep”, it was horrible and itchy and full of more than needed ruffles. My favorite was my Ariel costume when I was 11 for our dance to under the sea, I wore it everywhere I could after the recital.”

This is Alex’s first year with Dance Co.!

What is her favorite thing about it?

“Being able to dance again, not many colleges offer the opportunity to continue with hobbies and dance is especially hard to keep up with when nothing is offered! I had to relearn a lot just from being out of practice for 4 years, it’s crazy how fast you lose things.”

Fun Fact: “I am constantly doing handstands or front flips or handsprings everywhere, one day when my best friend and I were bored waiting in line at best buy we just whipped them out in the middle of a packed store. I am pretty sure there are many pictures of me out there doing handstands I have yet found. This will be my third degree, and my third college I have attended, I move around a lot and I get cooped up in one place. My camera is my baby, it has its own shelf in my room and I never let anyone touch it. It is probably the most expensive thing I own outside of my car. That is kinda scary now when I think about it. Haha Oh! And each time I get a new license I try to get my height a little bit taller than the last time, eventually I will have it say my ideal height.”



Welcome to Wednesday!

Today we are featuring Energy’s Alex Brown!

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Alex’s Birthday is on August 13th. She was born in Manhattan, New York and moved down to Charlotte, North Carolina nine years ago. This is her Junior year and she is double majoring in Biology as well as Psychology. Along with Dance Co., she is also an active member of the Global Medical Brigades and the Minority Association of Pre-Health Students.

Alex has been dancing for about 13 years.

“When I was about 8, we had a tap dance based on the show I Love Lucy. Our costumes were onesies that were black and red with polka dots and a Fedora! Strangest costume to date. ”

Alex has been with Dance Co. for three years!

“My favorite thing about Dance Co. is  that I’ve been able to continue one of my passions through college. Also, I’ve met so many wonderful people who also share this passion! I can honestly say that I’ve met some of my best friends through Dance Co.”


It’s Energy Wednesday!

Today’s featured dancer is  Jenna DeHart!


Jenna’s birthday was back in August, on the 16th. She is from Fayetteville, North Carolina. This is her first year at UNCW and she is majoring in Biology. Along with being part of Dance Co. she is also part of the American Medical Student Association, Up ’til Dawn, and the Alpha Epsilon Delta Honor Society.

Jenna has been dancing for fifteen years. She started when she was three years old at Charlotte Blume School of Dance located in Fayetteville, North Carolina. One of her funniest dance memories is from when she was nine. Jenna was head candy cane in the “Nutcracker” and when she was doing a cartwheel she lost her balance and fell right on her butt. “The stage lights were shining down on me, and the entire audience saw me fall. It was so embarrassing!”

This is Jenna’s first year with Dance Co.! Welcome to the family! 🙂

What is her favorite thing about it so far?

“My favorite thing about being a part of Dance Co. is being able to meet all of these lovely ladies who loves dancing as much I do. I am so happy that I can continue my passion in college, and I can continue to grow in my dancing.”

Fun fact about Jenna: She has been playing the piano and viola since she was seven years old.


Happy Hump Day! We all need a little Energy on Wednesday!

Today’s featured Energy member is Ashley Roberts!

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Ashley’s Birthday is this Friday, the 8th. She is originally from Daytona Beach, Florida. This is Ashley’s freshman year at UNCW and she is majoring in Medicine. Other organizations that she is part of include the Pre-Veterinary Medicine Association as well as the Leadership Community.

Ashley is not only new to UNCW and Dance Co., this is also her first year dancing, but she has always loved dancing. Her favorite thing so far about being part of Dance Co.:

“I love the community and how you learn new things every time you go to practice. ”

Fun Facts about Ashley:

She has owned dogs her whole life, her goal one day is to own a non-kill shelter.

She also taught herself how to play piano when she was 12 years old.

Another cool thing about Ashley: She runs  a fashion blog!

Welcome to Dance Co., Ashley!




It’s Energy Wednesday!

We all could use a little Energy on Wednesdays!

Today the ladies of Energy showed off their Dance Co. spirit by sporting their Dance Co. Swag!

Remember to follow us on Instagram!



It’s Energy Wednesday! Today we are featuring all the ladies of Energy!

The ladies of Energy are working hard at their practice! Formerly known as “Committee,” Energy now has group practices as well a group piece in the showcase! Nicole Fallon is choreographing their jazz routine for April! Get to know the energy of Energy every Wednesday!